Fairy Tail app game Wikia

Previous Evolution

Base Stats[]

Qualification: S+

Type of Boost: Magic

The base stats for a level one card are as follows:

Life 1812
Defense 121
Attack 835
Magic 992


Arc time[]

Arc of time: Restore (heals all targets)


Ice-Make: Rosen Krone[]

Attacks a single target


Name Characters/Equpiment Boost
First Meet Natsu Magic 24%
C.S. Jellal, Meredy Attack 28%
Seven Kin Azuma, Bluenote, Meredy Life 28%
Ultear Gray, Lyon Defense 28%
HellSong Purgatory Armor Magic 32%
Hell force Purgatory Knife Defense 32%


Magic growth 2[]

Increase skill damage by 15%

Increase life 2[]

Life increased by 10%

Magic guard 2[]

All players suffered damage reduced by 15% when attacked

Magic increase 2[]

Magic increased by 10%

Magic 4[]

Damage increased by 20%
