Fairy Tail app game Wikia

Previous Evolution

Base Stats[]

Qualification: SS

Type of Boost: All

The base stats for a level one card are as follows:

Life 11351
Defense 603
Attack 2138
Magic 2180


Five Layered Magic Circle: Sacred Song[]

Attacks two targets with chance to stun


Three Layered Magic Circle[]

Attacks three random targets


Name Characters/Equpiment Boost
He-lolita Wendy Attack 24%
candidate Laxus Attack 26%
A. own Jellal Magic 26%
K. P. Faust Defense 25%
F. Secret Fairy Necklace Attack 32%
M. Guest Nakagami Armor Magic 32%


Wise magic growth 2[]

When placed in the back row, skill damage increased by 15%

Magic Increase 3[]

Magic increased by 15%

Pain perfume 4[]

Use perfume injured, regenerate healthy by 30% when critical

Increase life 4[]

Life increased by 20%

Survive Adversity 7[]

When in a negative state itself, suffered damage reduced by 65%
