Fairy Tail app game Wikia

Previous Evolution

Base Stats[]

Qualification: S

Type of Boost: Magic

The base stats for a level one card are as follows:

Life 1418
Defense 127
Attack 606
Magic 975


Sensory Link[]

Reduce the harm suffered by all members (shield)


Maguilty Sodom[]

Attacks a single target


Name Characters/Equpiment Boost
C.S. Ultear, Jellal Attack 28%
Seven Kin Zancrow, Therouxdio, Kain Hikaru Magic 32%
M.D. Ultear Magic 24%
M. Sense Juvia Magic 24%
HellSong Purgatory Armor Magic 32%
Iron force Adamantine Ring Attack 28%


Fetters forever 2[]

For each team member killed, battle damage is increased by 15%

Magic 2[]

Damage increased by 10%

Defense Increase 2[]

Defense increased by 10%

Magic growth 2[]

Increase skill damage by 15%

Life Aura[]

All players life increased by 15% in battle
