Fairy Tail app game Wikia


Base Stats[]

Qualification: SS-

Type of Boost: All

The base stats for a level one card are as follows:

Life 1513
Defense 136
Attack 341
Magic 355


Supreme King Rock Crush[]

Attacks all targets


Rock Avalanche[]

Attacks a single target


Name Characters/Equpiment Boost
Catch up Laxus Life 25%
Lamia Scale Lyon, Jiery Attack 28%
Saint ten Makarov, Jose, Jellal Defense 33%
Matched Hoteye Defense 24%
King Kong Adamantine Ring Attack 28%
D. Shield D.Demon Armor Magic 24%


Magic 2[]

Damage increased by 10%

Guardian Angels 3[]

All of the team members suffered damage is reduced by 15%

Brave magic increase 4[]

If placed in the front, magic is increased by 20%

Magic Experience 4[]

When life is higher than 50%, skill damage is increased by 25%

Crit Potential 6[]

When life is less than 50%, critical hit rate is increased by 40%
