Fairy Tail app game Wikia

Base Stats[]

Qualifications: SS

Type of Boost: Attack

The base stats for a level one card are as follows:

Life 2599
Defense 193
Attack 1152
Magic 452


White Shadow Dragon's Rough Silk[]

Attack all target by chance to stun for three times


Shadow Dragon's Roar[]

Attack Vertical Target


Name Characters/Equipment Boost
Kill Brother Sting Life 26%
Kill Lucy Attack 26%
Death Natsu Defense 26%
D. power S.D. Pike Defense 32%
D. Guard Dragon's Teeth Attack 32%
HellSong P. Armor Magic 32%


Crit Up 3[]

Critical rate increased by 15%

Magic 3[]

Damage increased by 15%

Attacks Up 6[]

Attack power increased by 30%

Dodge Up 6[]

Dodge rate increased by 18%

Up life 8[]

Life increased by 40%
