Fairy Tail app game Wikia

Previous Evolution

Base Stats[]

Qualification: SS+

Type of Boost: All

The base stats for a level one card are as follows:

Life 23000
Defense 1550
Attack 3700
Magic 3700


Dragon Slayer Magic[]

Attacks all target, by 70 % chance to stun opponents


Dragon´s Roar[]

Attack all target


Name Characters/Equpiment Boost
Evil Zeref Life 26 %
Tenrou Makarov, Natsu, Gray Attack 34 %
100-year Gildarts Magic 33%
Black Dragon Irene Magic 28%
D. Power Dragon Sword Defense 32%
D. Tempt Dragon Ring Attack 20%



General attack on the horizontal target additional 30% splash damage

Destroy 5[]

Each killed enemy in battle increase attack power by 6 %

Crit up 7[]

Crit rate increased by 35 %

Attacks up 8[]

Attack power increased by 40 %

Magic 8[]

Damage increased by 40%

Black Dragon[]

Up attack by 50 %
